Our De-oiling Centrifuges (Z-series) feature perforated solid bowl drums that are pivot mounted in large rolling bearings. They are driven by a frequency controlled three-phase motor via a v-belt. Using the frequency control, the centrifuge is carefully accelerated and is gently yet quickly decelerated using DC countercurrent braking.

Every centrifuging cycle is followed by a discharge and filling process. Large buffers effectively absorb all internal vibrations of the De-oiling Centrifuge. All timed processes are controlled and monitored by an SPS-Control. The discharge and filling processes are monitored by sensors.

The centrifuged oil or other liquids are gathered and led through a pipeline to either be collected in an appropriate container or directly supplied to the according machine.

Z0 Z1 Z2 Z3
max. batch weight in kg 5 8 15 30
max. part lengt in mm 70 100 130 160
max. weight per piece in gramm 40 60 80 100
centrifuging time in sec.
min.-max. (recommendation)
60-300 60-300 60-300 60-300
total cycle in sec.
min.-max. (centrif. time + 20 sec.)
80-320 80-320 80-320 80-320
max. through put in kg/h
(for cycle 200 sek.)
90 150 270 900
Total demand (connection) in kW 1,3 1,7 2,4 3,2



The De-Oiling Centrifuge

Read more about the De-Oiling Centrifuge, its options and its advantages.

If you have any questions or are interested, please contact us directly!



Aydin Nagel

  +49 2853 9144-56


Frank Dunkel

  +49 2853 9144-22


Knut Engeland

  +49 2853 9144-23


Benjamin Knopp

  +49 2853 9144-38


Martina Mack

  +49 2853 9144-21


  • Compact form factor
  • Continuous operation
  • Immediate recycling of high-value lubricants
  • Drip-free further transport
  • reduced down- and maintenance times
  • low amound of maintenance


Continuous Operation

The parts to be cleaned are usually supplied to the centrifuge by a conveyor. They are placed directly into the collecting chute above the drum. When the correct batch size has accumulated in the collecting chute, the conveyor is stopped and a flap at the bottom of the chute is opened, charging the drum with parts. During the centrifuging process, the collecting chute is filled with the next batch.

The drum is emptied by being tipped into a discharge chute. This tipping motion ensures a complete and safe discharge of the drum. As opposed to some competitor’s systems, a jamming of parts is not possible in our centrifuges. Furthermore, our systems have no issues with leakage or liquid carryover thanks to their solid bowl design. The centrifuged fluids are collectively discharged through a drain- pipe. Overall, our centrifuges have significantly less downtime and maintenance costs. The centrifuging parameters include a wide range of adjustment. The option to reverse the spinning direction enables the best possible de-oiling, even for recessed or “cup-like” parts. By the choice, the control is either manual or automatic.


Coating, Drive and Design

The solid bowl drum is pivot-mounted on rolling bearings. Depending on the geometry and adhesion of the liquid on the parts, the drums are lined with perforated sheet or CONIDUR fine-hole sheet. The drive uses a v-belt and pulley system while the frequency control and counter current brake enable a gentle acceleration and deceleration.

The entire unit is mounted to a stable support frame. By changing the support frame, the charge and discharge heights can be fitted to the customers production line. The drum is filled by a collecting chute located on top of the centrifuge. The clean, centrifuged parts are discharged through another chute located near the centrifuge bottom.


Complete System Solution

— including charge and discharge technology.

We supply individually configured conveying and batching solutions to charge and discharge our centrifuges. For example, we previously designed a discharge of the parts from the drum into a Vibrating Trough Type Feeder. The feeder is equipped with a screen element that sorts out parts with production-based defects.



In many cases, it also makes sense to include an outfeed unit or additional storage, especially if the throughput of the machines to be interlinked is different.


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Or you can reach our headquarters at +49 2590 98-0.


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